Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Outer Banks! :)

I just got back from thee Outer Banks this week. & It was very fun! I met some new people,very interesting people...I learned how to surf...I wiped out many times, but it was very very fun! :) We saw many lighthouses! We were beach bums pretty much the whole time& we went to Ocracoke Island to shop! & we stay at Cape Hatteras! :) I absoltely fell in luv with the beach i miss it sooooo very much! :)

10 things you should know about me...

1. I am involved in 2 sports..they are volleyball&softball! :)
2. I scrapbook ALOT! :)
3. Truth is..i have never blogged before!
4. I hang out with my friends pretty much all the time!
5. I am a one a kind, kind of girl!
6. I like to have fun!
7. My favorite thing to do is to laugh! :)
8.Summer is my favorite season!
9. I like to travel! :)
10. I just got back from the Outer Banks! :)