Monday, August 8, 2011

Keith Urban Concert! :)

My friend Whitney& I went to a Keith Urban Concert last weekend& we both fell in luv with Keith Urban. We especially loved all of his songs, I am defiantly going to be buying all of his songs& going to download them on my IPod because Keith Urban's songs were just that great I do highly recomend you listening to his songs because I think you would enjoy them as much as I do!

                                          Whitney,Keith,& me! :)

                                                     Thee Best singer ever! :)

                                                Look at that Stud! :)
                                               Jared Owens&Keith Urban! :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Washington D.C.! :)

This past school year, our entire class (well, most of us anyways) went on a trip to Washington, D.C. It was so much fun and a good learning experience too!

Mount Vernon

Representing Ohio here! Oh yeahhh.

My friends and I all dressed up in Ford's Theater.

We just so happened to run into some old friends that used to go to our school. Ironic!

Some of us outside the White House.

You can't really tell, but we're standing in front of the Washington Monument.

My good friend, Mallory:)

Hugging our men:) Breadline Sculpture.

Theodore Roosevelt Memorial

lazy days with friends:)

we really, really enjoy spending time in my pool.

gettin' our tan on, fo sho.

pretty much describes us all.

What to do Before Summer Ends

Get a Pedicure
Get animals ready for the Fair
Try to hang out with as many people as possible
Waterballon Fights with friends
Go fishing
Party with friends as much as possible! :)
Attempt to Bake a Cake all by myself
Noodle Punch....(Long Story)
Learn Some New Easy Designs For Nails
I should probably read my book for English....
Earn Some Extra Cash!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Outer Banks! :)

I just got back from thee Outer Banks this week. & It was very fun! I met some new people,very interesting people...I learned how to surf...I wiped out many times, but it was very very fun! :) We saw many lighthouses! We were beach bums pretty much the whole time& we went to Ocracoke Island to shop! & we stay at Cape Hatteras! :) I absoltely fell in luv with the beach i miss it sooooo very much! :)

10 things you should know about me...

1. I am involved in 2 sports..they are volleyball&softball! :)
2. I scrapbook ALOT! :)
3. Truth is..i have never blogged before!
4. I hang out with my friends pretty much all the time!
5. I am a one a kind, kind of girl!
6. I like to have fun!
7. My favorite thing to do is to laugh! :)
8.Summer is my favorite season!
9. I like to travel! :)
10. I just got back from the Outer Banks! :)